Intensive Summer Program
Registrations are now open!
ABC Social Stars is a speech therapy group for children between the ages of five and 10 years old. The focus of the group is to help build social, communication and play skills by teaching strategies, and by helping in developing skills through fun and engaging activities.
Therapy groups offer children natural opportunities to interact, play, socialize and communicate with their peers, and receive, at the same time, guidance and support from clinicians.
Intervention philosophy and approach is inspired by interest-lead interactions and social thinking principles.
Sessions will include social stories, role-playing, use of videos, arts & crafts, and various fun and engaging activities.
Who can register for this group?
children that could benefit from practicing and improving their play, communication and social skills
children that can follow small group instructions and directives
children that have a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, or other developmental specific needs
neurotypical children who could benefit from developing their play, social and communication skills
Some of the goals for this group:
turn taking in play, in activities, in conversations
flexible thinking
joint attention
perspective taking
being a good winner/loser
building and maintaining friendships
whole body listening
This therapy group will be led by a registered speech-language pathologist, Sharon Burgess, who has extensive training and experience in working with children with specific needs, and an Ottawa University student intern.
Please fill out this pre-registration form so that we can get to know your child better!
Please note that spaces are limited to ensure quality of services, and will be filled on a first come registration basis.

More Information:
ABC Social Stars is an intensive speech therapy program for children who would benefit from improving their social communication, executive functioning and play skills. This group will focus on working on improving turn taking, social reciprocity, perspective taking, flexibility and active listening. Children in this group must be able to follow group instructions. They may have a diagnosis of ASD Level 1, ADHD/ADD, and neurotypical children who would benefit from improving their social communication skills. | July 17th to July 21st, 1:30 pm-3:30pm, $680.
ABC Reading Readiness is an intensive summer therapy group that aims to develop and improve three essential skills in learning to read: knowledge of the alphabetic code, phonemic awareness and graphophonemic correspondences. This group is ideal for Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students, and students who have a learning disability and/or who would benefit from improving these skills. | August 14 to 18, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $680.
ABC Total Communication is an intensive speech therapy program for children who use an alternative communication system such as PECS and thematic communication boards, and who would benefit from adapted activities in order to help them improve their communication, play and language skills. Participants need to be able to follow instructions, and be able to use the washroom independently. | Possible Dates :August 21st-25th, 1:30pm - 3:30pm, $875.
ABC Prêt pour la lecture est un groupe intensif qui vise à développer et à améliorer trois habiletés essentielles dans l'apprentissage de la lecture: le code alphabétique, la conscience phonémique et la correspondance graphophonémique. Ce groupe est l'idéal pour les élèves du jardin, de la première année et de la deuxième année, et des élèves qui ont un trouble d'apprentissage et/ou qui bénéficieraient d'améliorer ces habiletés. | 14 au 18 août, 9h-11h30, 680$.
Please fill out this short Google Form to request to have your child added
to the pre-registration list.