Speech therapy is not just to correct articulation. It is in fact much more than that!
Speech language pathologists in Ontario, and at our clinic which is located in the heart of Orleans, a quick drive from downtown Ottawa, have a minimum of an Honours Bachelor of Arts, and a two-year master's degree in speech therapy. As health care professionals, they must belong to a professional order, the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario.

As part for their academic journey, speech therapy grad students study anatomy, physiology, genetics, childhood development, statistics, physics, linguistics, psychology, and much more!
Once they graduate from the master's program in speech therapy, many continue their professional training beyond their academic path and specialize in certain areas such as autism spectrum disorder, verbal dyspraxia, learning disabilities, stuttering, etc.
Speech therapists, also called speech-language pathologists, are trained and have experience in assessing and treating:
Speech Disorders and Delays
Language Delays and Impairments
Fluency Disorders
Social Communication Difficulties
Pre-Reading Skills (Phonological Awareness Skills)
Literacy Skills (Reading, Spelling, Decoding)
Communication Disorders in Specific Populations (Autism, Down Syndrome, Cleft Palate..)
Voici Disorders
Oral-Motor Issues
Here are some of the services that the speech language pathologists at ABC Pediatric Therapies offer:
Parental Coaching and Guidance
Speech therapy is in fact a rich and varied profession in terms of its areas of practice that reaches way beyond articulation!
All of ABC Pediatric Therapies speech therapists are devoted in helping
each client reach their full potential!

If you would like to learn more, please visit:
Source: Speech Therapy and Audiology Canada
To book an appointment with one of our dedicated speech-language pathologists, please fill out this form.