Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurologically-based. It is characterized by difficulties, despite average or above average intelligence, with:
reading fluency
word recognition
reading comprehension
Some red flags for a learning disability are:
delayed speech and/or language skills
poor phonological skills
difficulty learning the name of the letters of the alphabet and their sound
letter and number reversal (*may be normal for certain letters up until grade 2)
poor verbal memory
difficulty sounding out simple words (cat, map...)
difficulty reading frequent sight words (what, the, she...)
family history of language and/or learning disability
Speech-language pathologists are trained to assess, and treat, skills solicited in reading and writing, such as:
phonological awareness
word decoding
word recognition
reading fluency
reading comprehension
processing speed
reading comprehension
automatic rapid naming
working memory
grapheme-phoneme conversion...
If you have any concerns with your child's reading and/or writing skills, you can reach out to your child's school to discuss your concerns. You can also seek out services for a screening or assessment with a speech-language pathologist.
Early identification and intervention are key for long term academic success for a student struggling to read and write!
Sharon Burgess,