At ABC Pediatric Therapies, we are committed to helping every client reach their full potential by celebrating differences, supporting communication needs, and providing bilingual, inclusive services. Our mission is to empower clients and families with the tools and strategies they need to thrive. By embracing neurodiversity and promoting augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), we ensure that every client’s unique abilities are recognized, respected, and nurtured.
Neurodiversity and our Clinic Mission:
Neurodiversity recognizes that differences in the way people think, learn, and communicate— such as autism, language disorders, or ADHD—are natural variations of the human brain.
Our goal at ABC Pediatric Therapies Clinic is simple: to help each client reach their full potential by giving them the tools they need to express themselves, grow, and connect with others.
How Alternative Communication Unlocks Potential:
For clients who struggle with verbal speech, AAC offers new ways to communicate and participate in everyday life. AAC includes methods like:
Communication Boards (like the cute bilingual Halloween-Themed Boards we just released!)
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
American Sign Language (ASL)
These tools allow clients to make choices, express feelings, ask questions, make commaents and build relationships. At ABC Pediatric Therapies, we believe that communication is a fundamental right—not limited to spoken words but extended to any form that helps a client communicate and be understood.
By introducing AAC and supporting families in using it consistently and efficiently, we help clients unlock their full potential and build the confidence to engage in the world on their own terms.
We're dedicated in sharing some resources free of charge to families that are looking for tools to help facilitate communication with their child which is why we created a new tab on our website: Resources.
Partnering with Families to Make a Difference
We know that raising a child with unique communication needs can present challenges, and we are here to walk alongside families on this journey. At ABC Pediatric Therapies, we provide:
bilingual assessments and therapy services;
practical guidance to help caregivers use AAC tools at home;
recommendations in terms of AAC tools;
programming of various AAC tools such as Proloquo2Go and Talk Tablet;
support in creating thematic communication boards;
bilingual resources and services;
intensive individual and group programs.
Helpful Resources
PrAACtical AAC – Ideas and tools to support AAC users
Tobii Dynavox – AAC technology solutions
Autism Canada – Resources for autism awareness and advocacy
Explore more resources: ABC Pediatric Therapies Resources
#UnlockingPotential #Neurodiversity #AACAwareness #BilingualTherapy #PediatricSpeechTherapy #InclusiveTherapy #ABCTherapies #SupportingFamilies #StrengthsBased #OttawaSpeechTherapy #OrleansSpeechTherapy